A film sérült, az eleje hiányzik. Ki tudja, kik játszanak benn, ki rendezte, egyáltalán kell erre a lapra? Az biztos, hangja nincs. Hallgasd hozzá a legjobb bw. játékost, csak a kor kedvéért.
Gum Shoes (1935)
This silent movie is about hotel Marberry were 2 detectives work. Then the manager is called by one of the guests that stuff was stolen from out of the room. The two hoteldetectives are going to investigates and allthough I never have seen these two man, I must slighly think about Laurel & Hardy.
After a lot of trouble they find a gorilla from the circus which is stealing money from the guests and also two other people from the circus. At the end they went to the roof while the gorilla is "playing" with them and finally they fall from the building. That is also the end but it goes so quickly that it could be that there is another act.
Thanks to some downloaders, this movie is identified as "Gum Shoes" and released in 1935. The movie comes from a former movie rent-house which doesn't exist for at least 40 years. We also don't know which year it is but it shall be around the '30's. Further more the movie was very damaged in the beginning and we repaired it the best way for transferring.
Audio/Visual: silent, black & white
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